Start Your 30-Day* Test Drive of Sharpshooter


It's Time for a Change

Recession-Proof, Crashproof and Foolproof your Trading

  • 4 Live Weekly Webinars hosted by Dale Wheatley (All sessions recorded)
  • 16 Nightly Video Updates highlighting the days action and outlining potential setups
  • Initial One-on-One Onboarding Session with Dale prior to the first webinar to bring you up to speed
I'm Ready for a Change

 Weekly Live Webinars

These 90 minute sessions are recorded and are your primary environment for learning Dale's strategy. 

Nightly Video Updates

 4 times a week Dale records a 10-15 minute market recap on the day and outlines future possible set-ups

One-On-One Coaching 

This 30 Minute One-on-One Provides you with a Deeper Understanding of the Mechanics of the Methodology and Substantially Reduces the Learning Curve

Frequently Asked Questions

*  The  SharpShooter service continues at $249/mo. unless you cancel prior to the 30 day trial period.


This Lifetime SkillĀ  WILL Impact your Financial Future.

Ā Give a man a fish he eats for a day, but teach him how to fish feeds him for a lifetime. We have taught hundreds of investors and traders our strategy which has provided a lifetime of financial freedom.Ā 


Guys in Suits Don't Buy These..but We Do. 

Out of the Money Options are low-priced options that often expire worthlessly but with our approach they can provide spectacular returns with limited risk



Minimize your Learning Curve. 

Learn one straightforward trading approach and how it can be applied for all trading time frames from monthly to intraday. There is no guesswork or complicated systems to learn. 


The Options Hunter will Train your Mind to Think. 

A solid understanding of our trading approach is essential to be successful, but only when combined with the mindset of a trader.  We'll focus on the traits that all successful traders have acquired;  Discipline, Organization, Focus, Patience, Independence, and Confidence.

I'm Ready for a Change

Start your 30-day* SharpShooter Today 

You'll get 4 live webinars with Dale Wheatley, 16 nightly video updates and a Private On-Boarding session with Dale

ONLY $147

*  The  SharpShooter service continues at $259/mo. unless you cancel prior to the 30 day trial period.